18 August 2009

I am watching this movie on SBS at the moment, called Tony Takitani. I'm very happy I decided to check it out (^_^). I like it! It is pretty nice to watch. And you should check it out, if you like visual simplicity & a fine depth in a story line.

Speaking of movies! I watched District 9, on the weekend with a few friends & some more found us while we were purchasing our tickets! So we ended up with a cool group in the cinemas, yay!
We all thought District 9 was FUCKING BRILLIANT!!!!! <3! For most of us, it was the only movie that we wanted to watch again! Straight after it finished.. haha

I had a photoshoot last weekend which went pretty well! The photographer was a cool guy! I wish I did better... sometimes I feel like I am just starting out again, so I feel like I could of been more confident(?) hopefully we will get the chance to work together again. I think It was just because we were exploring locations & my mind was thinking about them, rather than modeling. I don't know... either way! I know I wasn't bad & Gareth (photographer) definitely wasn't either. It was a nice day! I can't wait to see the photos ^_^ Another shoot is locked in this Thursday with Rom Zamora, once again! He may be bringing along another photographer too. I trust he is great also... Never really known Rom to work with many photographers at all... This shoot will be a night one in a lit up area! So I have to start working out my wardrobe!!! gah! I shall post the photos when I get them! Stick around for my next post! *squeee!

02 August 2009

Update! BLAH

Whoever lurks me on here, I is sorry!
Have been majorly busy taking care of my brother, kitties & the house while my mother is in New York for 3 weeks! Only 1 more week to go! AND THEN I AM FREEEEEEE! *squeeee~!!

I wanted to update my blog as soon as I got these 2 new shots, by the fabulous Rom Zamora! You should check out his site! Don't forget the images click to bigger ones ^_~

I also did another "All in good fun" shot with my friend Stacy!
Here are 2 images from the day!

Having a few troubles with this hair colour as well by the way *sadface* Still a lot easier than having lots of colours to tame! But this is now fading too v_v
I'll just be shoving purple over my hair every now & then when I wash it from now on.
In a way I am happy! Because it means I can easily bleach it again when it is long! YAY

13 July 2009

update + pix&vids from Adams 18th

I feel like death!

As I have fallen ill. T__T
After an all nighter with Rohan, my body started to ache VERY fast.
I believe it went a little like this... *ahem*
"It feels like there is a shaken up soda bottle in each side of my tummy, okay my back hurts, ahh my legs are aching now, and my arms, alright now my fingers & my jaw... I'm going to sleep"
Took me a while due to this constant pain I am in!!! & now I have an icky cough = [
2 days I have been like this... I am hating it! It is ruining plans I had!! Was meant to work with a photographer from over seas. I was looking forward to it! But with a bit of luck, it may happen.

Because I can hardly sleep during this sickness, I started to draw a little whilst listening to Claire Voyant. Was just drawing the junk around my room, nothing special! I just wanted to magnify/crop certain things that would be somewhat interesting. Like my shoe next to some tubing on my floor, pleated skirt with a magic8 ball on it, bubblewrap & felt hair fall pieces hanging over a box... see... nothing special, just as is! haha!!

Then I started fixing up & resizing images from Adams 18th (as mentioned in my 1st entry). I'll show you a few... Not even sure I have any of Adam yet, haha woop! I'll edit this later & add the rest when all pix are all done! (click the photo's to enlarge if you didn't know)

OH! & a lot of this happened that night *points down*
(btw that contraption is for cream, heh)

+ more vids added soon
I am going to try & sleep now!


11 July 2009




I just finished watching 5th element.
Super freaking bored!!!! dfsbfjkgbfsjkgs

I was to return home after dinner with my boyfriend & our friend, Smacky.
But I only have $6:00... literally! GRAH!

So! I left Smacky & my boyfriend to go to his place, as they were on their way to go meet up with others & watch Transformers.2 at Imax Cinema. *grunt"bastards"*
I came in, sat down, watched everyone in the house dress up to partay, watched them leave... & then I sighed! *sigh* Could have gone to the party, but there was already 4 people to fill a cab.

Dad then rescued me!!! He came over with my little brother (old pic of us is old) & a bottle of coke! *yum! So I made them icecream with icemagic & watched The I.T Crowd! *brilliant!
But after they left I went back to being sulky!
That is where 5th Element came in... but now I've got jack all to do... I think I'll watch some Anime.

>>worst blog post ever!!!

10 July 2009

I hate my friends

When in need for a good laugh,
I log into facebook & LOL @ your expense!
There is a couple of people I am always bound to spot on my feed updates & they write the most hilarious shit!!

As I have said...
"Fuck! You're pathetic. I like that about you."
So you shall stay my facebook friend ^___^ !


03 July 2009

Dyed hair & Party plans!!


I have actually dyed my hair
a dark colour!
The lighter bits are going to be
dyed a very nice purple.
Also thinking I'll cover my whole
head the purple because
I don't like how pink it goes
in the sunlight. *blah !!

The reason I did this is because I have been growing my hair out for 6 months & have gotten sick of having to deal with re-growth dramas.
So I thought FUCK IT! *dyedyeDIE* .... *sulks*
I miss my UV green & purple T__T

Now! On to tonight!!!
Tonight is my friend, Adam's birthday! he is turning 18! hehe
When 17 he would still come out with everyone & just pace himself back & forth in a hotel room
until we got back... What a little sport!
So finally! He can now run around silly with every one (^____^) !!
It's going to be quite a crazy night & I should probably scared, haha.

Hopefully no drama happens... *crosses fingers*

01 July 2009

1st Entry!

Okay Okay!

So I've seen a few peoples blogspots before
& thought they were nice, clean & simple!
Livejournal can be the exact opposite...
SO! here I am! (^_^)

I'll start this 1st post off pretty simple.
I haven't even been up to that much!
Just been at home for about 8 days now @_@
It is really weird because I am usually at my boyfriends place,
but I thought we should have some time to ourselves...
I have a feeling that he is taking it better than I am.
Well.. no... I know this for a fact! *sigh*

Been hanging out with a friend of mine named Stacy.
I don't get to see her that much anymore,
along with other friends from out here...
So it is nice when we catch up = ]
Went to her place, took photos, talked shit & ate my leg??

It's how we roll !!
